segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2014

Florais de Lis

The Florais de Lis, as a vibrational therapy, work on both the physical body and the sublte energy-fields (emotional, astral, mental, etheric and spiritual), which are the core of BEING. The main purpose of the therapeutic process is to consider problems of the contemporary world, as they reflect themselves in the SELF (such as addiction, stress, identity issues, problems of expression, emotional balance, etc.) The aim is to work on the chakra balancing, expanding cousciousness and to transcend the EGO. Thus, while strengthening the Self, and trancending the Ego, the Florais de Lis work on higher qualities such as unconditional love, generosity, tranquility, insightfulness, humility, kindness, etc., enabling the individual to reach higher consciousness during the fusion towards cosmic/spiritual energy.

Os Florais de Lis enquanto terapia vibracional atua em ambos corpo físico e campos energéticos sutís (como o emocional, astral, mental, etérico e espiritual) que envolve o SER. O objetivo do processo terapêutico é considerar problemas do mundo contemporâneo refletidos no self (adições, stress, problemas de identidade, problemas de expressão, de equilíbrio emocional, etc.), bem como visa atuar no equilíbrio dos chacras, ampliando a consciência e transcendência do ego. Assim, fortalecendo o self e transcendendo o Ego, os Florais de Lis atuam em qualidades superiores como o amor, generosidade, tranquilidade, introspecção, humildade, bondade, intuição, etc., viabilizando uma ascensão superior através da integração com a energia cósmica/espiritual.

sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2014

Aloe vera... the 1st and 6th chakras...

the floral works on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th chakras: Astringent, anesthetic, anti-cancer, anti-bleeding, anti-inflammatory, good for the eyes, antitoxic, antibacterial, healing, soothing, stimulating, fungicide, works on atherosclerosis, anti-anemic, anti-acne. Combat ocular diseases, insomnia, rheumatism, peptic ulcers and inflammation of the stomach, urine, and ovaries... It is good for those who work in excess, according to Californian florals.

quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014

Alpinea zerumbet... the 3rd and 4th chackras...

Alpinea zerumbet... it is good for arthritis, asthma, for the stomach, it is antithermic, depurative.  It works the love within your heart... it is antidepressive and antioxidant...

quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014

Annacadium occidentale... the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 6th chakras...

it works on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th chackras: it is effective against evils from nervous origin and from stress. It is also serves as stimulant of the mudullary centers, being excellent for glycosuria and polyuria, intestinal pain, etc. It is also healing, anti-inflamatory. Fights colds and flu.

segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2014

Argyreia nervosa ... the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras...

the floral is evolutionary and it works the violet ray (transmutation, access to Higher Self)... it is anxiolytic, if works the vital love energy (sexual) and the transcendence of the ego, it is good for calming the mind and expand consciousness. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine, it is rejuvenation, good for rheumatoid arthritis, cough, dyspnea, and fever... it is invigorating... 

sábado, 23 de novembro de 2013

Azadirachta indica... the 5th and 7th chakra

it is against cancer, antioxidant... a sacred plant in India that is good for anything...

sexta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2013

Borreria verticillata (L.): the 1st, 3rd, and 4th chacras

it is good for diarrhea, anti-hemorroids, antibacterial (fight Staphylococus aureus), it is diuretic, expectorant, against vomiting, asthma, skin desearses, diabetes, erysipelas, fever, hemorrhoids, varicose viens, vomiting and coughing.

quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2013

Banisteriopsis Caapi (Mariri, ayahuasca, cipó)

This floral works the 1st., 4th, 6th, 7th chakras... according to florals of Amazonia it is evolutionary: " Opens up inner revelation. It relates to all the elements in order to raise up the spiritual force, awakening the Higher Self to be himself. It rouses the inner command through which the forces of love are increased. It illuminates the mental plane, liberating fears so as to gain inner awareness. It works softly, but quickly. It is good for adolescents, the chronically ill and depressed and other types of behavior denoting fear to confront reality."

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

Carica papaya: the 3rd and 6th chackras

the floral is good for kidney diseases, respiratory problems, flatulence, constipation, heartburn, polyps, melancholy, anti-inflamatory, anti-carcinogenic, soothing, diuretic, anti-depressant, for melancholy and insecurity. It balances the mental level, and helps telepathic and intuitive abitlities, increases maturity and independence.

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

Clitoria racemosa: 2nd and 6th chakras

it works the romantic love and it is good for the immune system... it has a strong strength on preventing health problems through immunity...

segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2013

Clitoria ternatea : 2nd, 6th, 7th chakras

It is antidepressant, anticonvulsant, treats sexual dysfunctions, such as infertility, menstrual dysfunction control. It is aphrodisiac, anxiolytic, sedative and tranquilizant.

domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

Crinum erubecens: 5th chakra

It is anti-inflammatory, and used to fight abscesses. It is evolutionary and activatio, an initiation plant, it works against stagnation and indecision, it gives joy, courage, expansion (according to Florais da Amazonia) and it is good for those who have feelings of abandonment and rejection (according to Florais Filhas de Gaya)

sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

Cocos nucifera: 3rd and 6th chakras

It is good for self-determination, for emotional balance between thougths and feelings, masculine and feminine, works on your inner and outer strength and provides good insights and energy to resignation. It is important to haughtiness and self-esteem. In health issues it is good for those who have immune deficiency, it is diuretic, vermifuge and cares of gastrointestinal irritations, respiratory problems, bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, inflamation if the eyes, fever. It frotifies muscles, and gums. Eliminates intestine problems, diarrhea and works against bronchial coughs, inflammation of the urethra, abscesses, boils , angina, headaches, abdominal cramps, leg swelling, combat cholesterol. It is moisturizing , it is excellent for replenishing minerals, nutrient and is soothing...

sexta-feira, 15 de novembro de 2013

Datura stramonium: 6th chakra

The floral works int he unconscious, on dreams, on guilt. Ti is good for those who are with decompensation disorders, problems of tension, difficulty in sexual maturity, immunity problems (prone to parasites and infections) along with nervourness, reflected tensions on jaw and mouth, tendency to weakness and fatigue, tension and emotional distress, it is revealing, according to Florais da Amazonia and it is very good to fight the fear.

Etlingera elatior: 3rd chakra

It is good for self-esteem and for problems on the affective levels.

quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013

Eugenia uniflora:

It is astringent, analgesic, depurative, digestive, stimulating, refreshing, anthelmintic, antioxidant... it is good for liver diseases, bronchitis, mentrual cramps, diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, hypertension, throat infections, it is aphrodisiac (according to Florais da Mata Atlântica: "open your chakras and releases the flow of vital energy channels, pruging negative vibrations, impurities an dtoins that affect the balance and harmony.

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

Jasminum officinalle: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras

the floral is good for relaxing, it is digestive, good for insomnia, it is antidepressant, to stress, any breathing problems

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Jasminum sambac: 2nd, 4th, and 6th chakras

It is aphrodisiac, treats headaches, insomnia, it is good to the bones; and contains anesthetic properties, it is good to cure cancer, and it is antidepressant, also good for the skin and can heal addictions, depression, nervousness, it is relaxing.

sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013

Jatropha gossypiifolia L. : 3rd. chakra

It is purgative, wound healing, blood stagnates, diarrhea, rheumatism, spiritual protection.

quinta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2013

Lippia alba: 3rd. and 6th chakras

It is revitalizing, soothing, antidepressant, good for malaise, vomiting, it is healing, carminative, analgesic, antiallergic, against insomnia, milancholy, nervousness, fatigue, cramps, migranes, it is relaxing and tonic, good for the skin and brings joy, happiness, and desire to be better (according to Florais Saint Germain)

Malpghria glabra: 3° and 4th chakras

It brings vitality, strength and energy. Good for colds and prevents weakness, irritability, fatigue and loss of appetite,. Indicated to decrease tha incidence of infectious diseases and muscle and joint pain. For nasal and gum, good for liver and diarrhea, hermorrhages in lung problems. It is effective against rheumatism and to accelerate wound healing processes. Strenthens the body as a whole and is effective in treatment of anemia.

segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013

Murraya : 3rd. and 4th chakars

It works on  problems of the intestine, infections, rheumatism, cough,. It is also good for love, and is anxiolytic.

Morinda citrifolia (Noni) ... 1st and 4th chakras

It is potent agains cancer, antioxydant, antinflammatory, regenerating, and produce collagen and it treats asthma.

sábado, 12 de outubro de 2013

Neomancia candida: 1st. and 3rd chakras

It is good for focusing on personal life goals, and increases the inner consciousness, it helps developing skill and qualities on perceptions and awakens gifts.

Ocinum basilicum: 1st, 2nd, 6th, and

Exciting. The floral is tonic and used for general weakness. Digestive. Against intestinal and stomach ills, inadequacies and doubts about our own abilities in people who have strong personality. Good for overwork or inability to fulfill the professional, family, marital and social duties, used to depressive states resulting from pressure and mental demands. "Supporting the pain of nervous origin, hysteria, problems of sexuality in general, in cases of mental confusion, neurotic and psychotic manifestations. This flower essence awakens in mind the concepts of fitness and harmony, imbuing us moral and spiritual power preparing us to overcome the achievement, progress, victory and ultimate triumph in various experiments throughout our glorious journey of growth in the light. "(according to Florais de Minas)

Nicotiana tabacum: 5th chakra

It gives strength... "cleansing, releasing, healing and it is evolutionary Known for traditions as a plant that releases the word of prayer, it evokes spirituality of mankind in the matter, purifies and maintains the magnetic field Beneficial in the treatment of tobacco addiction, as well as other types of psychic order dependencies that affect the most basic ideas, situations involving ancestral energies, including kidney problems, people with destructive external and internal impulses; fighting; dramatic moments in life. It is necessary to tonify the vision of a higher ground, to bring healing energies and harmonization, strengthening the courage to life when we have contrary motives. (according to Floral of Amazonia)

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

Psychotria viridis: 6th and 7th chakra:

The floral works on all levels from consciousness, it is revealing, works primarily with the light side of the fire element, the light the female. By revealed knowledge transforms negative patterns into evolutionary experiments. Processes the incarnation of the divine spirit (male) in the world of energy-form (feminine.). It unfolds the perception of internal plans, thereby increasing the ability to recognize your own shadow. (according Florais da Amazonia)

Punica granatum: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th chakras:

It works accentuating the feminine inner and it works problems of the female reproductive system, and it heats the heart, detoxicates pathology of multiple past lives, and also balances the meridian of HEART (according Floral California)

quarta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2013

Rosa Gallica (L.): 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th chakras

It is cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antidepressant. It treats affections of the throat, mouth and digestive atony, antibacterial, astringent, tonic, cold, bronchitis, gastrits, diarrhea, lethargy. Good for working passin, love, respect, adoration...

Quisqualis indica: 3rd and 4th chakras

 It is good for arthritis, asthma, stomachic, depurative, antipyretic. Also it works  anxiety and it is good for love

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013

Quisqualis indica : 3rd and 4th chakras

as medicinal properties it is good for arthritis, asthma, stomachic, depurative, antipyretic. I works on the anxiety and it is good for love

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013

Schizophyllum commune: 1st and 4th chakras

it works in the imunne system and it is anticancer

Sansevieria zeylanica :4th and 6th chakras

the floral is good for mental and spiritual protection... and for love; it gives courage, insights and brings joy to the heart through unconditional love.

Solanum paniculatum: 3rd and 6th chakras

"Evolutionary. Brings cosmic energy to Earth. Eliminate negative patterns.'s Transmutation of the violet ray, airs ideas connecting thought with higher levels. Transforms the blame and self-pity.'s Also good for people with difficulties to articulate (the words or gestures). Protects and relax so that they release their sublime gifts and delicate feelings. operates in dreams. "(according floral Amazonia)

domingo, 6 de outubro de 2013

Thunbergia erecta (Bentham): 3rd and 4th chakras

as medicinal properties it is diuretic, diabetes, analgesic, stomachic, anti-inflammatory.

Schinus terebinthifolius: 3rd, chakra

as medicinal properties it is antidiarrheal, astringent, anti-haemorrhagic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, purgative, anti-thermal, bronchitis, antifungal, anti-bacterial, tonic, arthritis, rheumatism, antispasmodic, gastritis, cough, vaginal infection, ulcer, heartburn.

sábado, 5 de outubro de 2013

Tibouchina multiflora: 4th chakra

Awakes generosity and the unconditional love.

Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum.: 2nd and 4th chakras

the floral works the 2nd and 4th chakras: it is cardiotonic, and it is used for treating obesity, works in the testicle problems among men, and on women in the placenta, it is used as a contraceptive, also serves to spiritual protection

terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2013

Psidium guava: 3rd chakra

The floral works general fears, brings inner strength and tranquility (according to Floral Saint Germain), Painkiller and it is stimulating, astringent, antibacterial,  for diarrhea, it is antispasmodic, antioxidant, cardiotonic, diuretic, menstrual stimulant, fungicide, good for nervousness, sedative, stomach tonic, vasoconstrictor, vermifuge.

domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013

Ruellia tuberosa: 3rd. and 6th chakras

medicinal properties:  Anti-inflammatory, diuretic, anti-heat, for hypertension, for stomach problems, diabetes, analgesic.